Sunday, September 30, 2012

2012 Rock & Stroll

This weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the "Rock & Stroll", an outdoor family event to support the local agencies that help our homeless neighbors here in Alexandria.  I was there shooting photos for New Hope Housing, an organization I've been volunteering with for the past year.

It was a gorgeous fall day, and the event was full of fun activities.  They had face painting, hula hooping, corn hole, and even Zumba!  The mayor, vice mayor, and other local representatives came to show their support.  Check it out!

Friday, September 14, 2012


Our daughter Charlotte joined our family on June 11th.  She quickly stole our hearts, and the spotlight.  (You cannot imagine how many photos I have of this little girl!)  Over the past three months, she has been growing into a cute, roly poly little munchkin.  Her Mommy, Daddy, and other friends and relatives are willing to do such silly things for just a smile and a gurgle.  :)

She is such a joy to us!