Friday, October 30, 2009

Tricks and Treats

Jeff and I walked up to the Lawn this evening to check out the annual Halloween trick-or-treat candy fest.  It was lively as always -- There are some seriously cute kids in C'ville! 

Genda Family

I had the opportunity of doing a shoot with my boyfriend's family a few weeks ago.  What a treat!  These are the first photos they've had taken since the long-anticipated adoption of their three new children from Ethiopia.  Every time I get to hang out with their family, I'm struck by the love and cooperation I see among them.  It was a beautiful day, and our shoot was followed by a delicious pot-luck with friends.

What a great day!  Thanks, guys.  And congrats on the new little ones.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jeff & Stacey

My friends Jeff and Stacey got engaged in September and honored me with the opportunity to shoot their engagement pictures.  It was a great day!  We got up eeeeearrrrly and had fun playing around in McIntire Park as the sun rose.  By the time it was over, we were completely drenched with dew, but it was well worth it.  It was a lot of fun.  They are ridiculously cute.  I am so excited that I got to be a part of this with you two, and I am really looking forward to being a bridesmaid in your wedding!!!  Yayy!  Thanks guys. :)


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Darks and colors

I went out this afternoon to take some stuff to the dry cleaner's and stumbled upon this. Fall is so beautiful.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Setting forth

This afternoon I set forth from my apartment to try to clear my head. I've been spending a lot of hours in front of my computer as I try to sort out the details of my current unemployment, and I really needed a walk and some fresh air.

Got me thinking: whether it's a day in front of the computer or a couple years in the same office, sometimes it's really rewarding to set forth on a new path, with new eyes.

I'm looking forward to the adventure that awaits.... :)