Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Haven at First and Market

The weekend before Thanksgiving, I got a chance to shoot the housewarming party for the the new Haven at First and Market, which is dedicated to serving the homeless and struggling members of our Charlottesville community.  I've been a part of a committee that is helping to develop the guidelines, volunteer materials, and supply lists for the past year and a half.

The Open House was a great success!  We got an opportunity to hear from Tom, the catalyst for the project, from Dave, the mayor, and from Janet and Kaki, members of the Board that has been overseeing the development of the Haven.  Folks got an opportunity to learn about the function of the Haven and to sign-up as volunteers.  

For information about volunteering at the Haven, contact our executive director, Kaki Dimock: executivedirector@tjach.org

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Beautiful day in the neighborhood

It was nice to see the sun this weekend after all the rain last week.  There are still a few more rays of fall sunshine to be had after all!  :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

VA Film Festival

This weekend I had the opportunity to photograph some of the events of the Virginia Film Festival by partnering with the Photo Club at UVA.  The most fun event that I attended was, without question, the -- get this -- Dirty Pink Polyester party at The Southern.  The Charlottesville Lady Arm Wrestlers were there.  The Charlottesville Derby Dames were there.  Famous film director John Waters was there.  A woman dressed like famous film director John Waters was there...  It was a pretty entertaining time.  I hope these pics add a bit of color to your drizzly November day. :)



Sunday, November 8, 2009


We celebrated Jeff's birthday yesterday with a long nap, a hot lasagna, Gladiator, and an icecream cake.  It was mellow and homey and wonderful. 

Happy birthday, babe. :)


Thursday, November 5, 2009


Was going through some of my older photos on my laptop and ended up looking through the ones I took in Nicaragua in January of 2008.  We were there for a week hosting a traveling medical/dental clinic in poor rural villages.  The team I went with was amazing; the Nicaraguan folks were amazing.  I'm left with some really incredible memories -- being followed around by a cute little boy named Wilton, assisting Doc Hansen as he uprooted 21 decayed tooth stubs from one woman's mouth, sitting in a circle surrounded by young women talking to them in Spanish about boys, being awed by the incredible humility of our Nicaraguense hosts, dancing in a dusty church to Doc's harmonica, blowing bubbles with kids for HOURS, having a curly haired girl come up and tap my shoulder and softly sing "This Little Light of Mine" to me, doing dentistry with Dad, running races with Erica and the other sweet little girls at the orphanage, being waved out of town by a herd of happy kids....
It was blessed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meet Oscar

Oscar is our 6-month-old incorrigible, lovable, bipolar black kitten.  He has an overwhelming supply of personality and has no idea that he is not a human.

For all you lady cats out there, Oscar loves pouncing out of dark corners, splashing in the sink, eating seafood, nursing on the comforter, chirping at bugs, hiding in the dishwasher, climbing on furniture, watching Planet Earth, and taking long naps on the window sill....      

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tricks and Treats

Jeff and I walked up to the Lawn this evening to check out the annual Halloween trick-or-treat candy fest.  It was lively as always -- There are some seriously cute kids in C'ville! 

Genda Family

I had the opportunity of doing a shoot with my boyfriend's family a few weeks ago.  What a treat!  These are the first photos they've had taken since the long-anticipated adoption of their three new children from Ethiopia.  Every time I get to hang out with their family, I'm struck by the love and cooperation I see among them.  It was a beautiful day, and our shoot was followed by a delicious pot-luck with friends.

What a great day!  Thanks, guys.  And congrats on the new little ones.